Friday, December 05, 2014

Imperfect movement

My heart LOVES people. The utterly holiness of people's spirit moves my heart and I find my heart open wide.  The overall climate of watching people's humanity be lost and the suffering that is so deep is rough right now.  There is a level of despair and anger that I feel, and this has led to some basic questions about what I stand for, and what I used to form that.  Does this line up with the deeper tenets of my faith, challenging what my interior understanding about what the value of a human being is in the eyes of the Creator, and how does that match up with what I really do with it daily?   What is being asked of my Heart through scriptures and through my conscience?   What is being asked of me with all of this knowing that I can only do so much because it can be terrifyingly overwhelming?

How do we not just engage in activism because we are angry,  but in a stark turn away from violence wake our Hearts up and find a way to really live in our daily lives in such a way that does not cause other human beings to suffer or find themselves so exasperated, stymied or defeated that they just give up?

I don't know...I don't!


But what I do know in my innermost bits... I have experienced over and over that the Creator's compassion is super potent... that mercy has altered my life so extraordinarily, and so from that place I believe that there will be a place of emergence.

Thank you for listening... really.

#ferguson #walmartstrikers ‪#‎EricGarner‬ ‪#‎MikeBrown‬

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